COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a disease of the lung caused by chronic bronchitis and emphysema. According to the American Lung Association ( ) COPD is the third leading cause of death in the US. It can cause serious disability and early death. Unfortunately, there is no cure for COPD but there are many ways to prevent and treat COPD.
COPD sufferers have difficulty breathing which is caused by a barrier in the lungs and the flow of air is less than it should be. When this occurs it’s difficult to get rid of carbon dioxide which is the waste gas. As COPD progress’s, it’s extremely hard to continue an active lifestyle due to shortness of breath.
What initiates COPD?
- Smoking is the number one cause of COPD. If you are a smoker stop smoking now! If you are considering smoking – don’t! If you are in a smoke environment you are at risk for COPD. Protect yourself and loved ones by making your home “Smoke Free.”
- Air pollution and aggravating fumes and dusts, especially work-related can also cause COPD.
- In rare cases, COPD can be related to emphysema which is formed by an inherited absence of a protective protein in the blood.
Symptoms of COPD
- Chronic coughing
- Shortness of breath performing everyday tasks
- Wheezing
- Difficulty breathing or unable to take a deep breath
- Producing large amounts of phlegm or mucus
If you or a loved one has symptoms of COPD, is a current smoker or a former smoker you should see your doctor right away. Don’t ignore the symptoms or wait for them to get worse, valuable treatment time could be lost. Don’t forget: Early detection is vital to successful treatment. Most lung diseases can be treated, allowing you to live a longer and improved quality of life! For more information on COPD – please contact the specialists of Dominion Internal Medicine @ 540.878.5408 or visit
Compassionate Care for a Healthy Heart, Body and Mind
For the past few years I have had difficulty working out in yard, then in 2015 it got harder and harder to breathe. After many tests, it was a CT scan that showed COPD, emphysema and scarring in my lungs. I quit smoking 8 years ago but the damage has been done. I got to a point I couldn’t catch my breath and was coughing so hard I thought the top of my head would blow off, nothing was really working to help my condition. Finally i started on COPD herbal formula i purchased from NewLife Herbal Clinic, i read alot of positive reviews from other patients who used the COPD herbal treatment. I used the herbal remedy for 7 weeks, its effects on COPD is amazing, all my symptoms gradually faded away, i breath very more freely now! (Visit www . newlifeherbalclinic. com ) I recommend this COPD herbal formula for all COPD/Emphysema sufferers
Megan Flores
New Jersey, USA.
so i decided to come online to see if there will be better alternative,during my research i saw a lady post about doctor Abumere who has power over deadly diaereses,so i decided to contact him because i really do not care about what my husband was talking in all i want for him is for him to get well for me because he was all i have,my husband took the remedies as he told us and few weeks later my husband stop to notice that symptoms of his disease are begging to leave him so he went back to his Dr and he was told he no longer has those diseases.
My husband is totally free of COPD and cancer if not for doctor abumere who help us rid this problem there is a possibility that my husband wouldn’t be alive today.
their contact info ( abumereherbalcentre @ gmail. com) OR (http : // abumereherbalcentre . com)
I was not really having a problem breathing at first. My throat was burning; I thought I had strep throat. I had pain in my neck, and there was swelling around my collar bone. The first doctor I went to said he did not know why there was swelling. He gave me antibiotics and told me that if the swelling was not better to come back in two weeks. I went back in two weeks and he said he did not know what was wrong. Since I do not have insurance, I went to a hospital emergency room, and they said I have COPD.The disease does not improve. My “good days” are far and few these days. My dad and his dad died from this. I am only writing this to inform others that nothing was really working to help my condition.I started on COPD herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic,i read reviews from other previous patients who used the herbal formula, my symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the COPD natural herbal formula. i am now doing very well, my lungs are totally repaired!! Visit there website www . healthherbalclinic . net or email Info @ healthherbalclinic . net
it wasn’t easy in anyway living with this deadly disease,i cried for help everyday which i also spend almost all my money on, i was at the point i nearly gave up because i heard a lot of stories that there was no cure for it,i tried all the medications doctor around gave to me yet nothing happened tho it was able to be control at least,august 23rd 2017 i came across an article someone explaining how she was cured by TOTAL CURE HERBAL FOUNDATION in Joburg,so i contacted totalcureherbalfoundation @ gmail. com….and their website ….https :/ /totalcureherbalfou /website to see if this was true,but right now i;m here giving the same similar testimony on how they gave me alternative way to cure this disease with their organic natural herbal products without any side effect,do email them now to see for yourself.
I would love you to contact totalcureherbalfoundation gmail . com they shall provide you all the herbal formula that can help you get rid of COPD emphysema,for the past 9 years has been a terrible years for me because i was diagnosed with copd emphysema,i’m 59 and and fully cure of copd by Total cure herbal foundation which i found on-line,my condition was very bad which i have been currently on 24/7 oxygen, nebulizer, pro air.,early this year during my research on Google i found this herbal foundation which someone posted on how they help her with emphysema disease so i decided to email them also and they gave me all the steps which i did properly,the herbal medicine aims to return the body to a state of natural balance, so that it can start healing itself
totalcureherbalfoundation gmail . com
Two year ago i was about to go for lungs volume reduction just for me to live a better life at least,not until u was i ask to give a try on totalcureherbalfoundation@ gmail .com natural herbal formula which i emailed and purchased from them,the herbal remedies work perfectly on my system,i can only say that for me this treatment has worked well and has allowed me to live a normal life and I am extremely grateful to the herbal team.
I have had emphysema for about five years. I was on oxygen during the day but not at night. I could go about two hours without the oxygen, and then I need it. I had a converter in the house and oxygen tanks for when I go shopping, etc. I am 64 years old and in relatively good health. The doctor said it was caused by a combination of smoking, dust here in Vegas, and 30 years of smog in California. I believed I will always need the oxygen to breathe. I quit smoking 15 years ago. But the damage has been done. January 2017 my pulmonologist and I decided to go with natural treatment and was introduced to Green House Herbal Clinic natural organic Emphysema Herbal formula, i had a total decline of symptoms with this Emphysema Herbal formula treatment. Visit Green House Herbal Clinic official web-site w w w .
greenhouseherbalclinic . com. The infections, shortness of breath, fatigue, dry cough and other symptoms has subsided. I am very pleased with this treatment. I breath very well now and exercise regularly, sometimes i totally forget i ever had Emphysema, I am thankful to nature, the medics failed. Share with friends!!
I am 59 now. I was diagnosed with COPD in March of 2013. I had been a heavy smoker, got a cold I couldn’t get rid of, ended up in the hospital, on a ventilator. I should have known it was coming, but like most smokers, thought it would never happen to me. I don’t smoke now and never will again, but, I still want to. My life has changed drastically. I had to stop working, sold my home (couldn’t afford it without a salary),the COPD disease has kept down since diagnosed if not for the herbal formula of Total cure herbal foundation i would have been in hospital with the use oxygen managing my condition,total cure herbal foundation finally get rid of my disease with their natural herbal products in just 14 weeks of usage which i have been on other medication for ages but am really glad now that my lungs has return to it normal position.
contact: Totalcureherbalfoundation gmail. com
Last year I started on COPD Herbal formula treatment from rich herbs foundation, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 5 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, low energy, fatigue, chest tightness and others gradually disappeared. Visit rich herbs foundation via their web-site ww w. richherbsfoundation .c om. This COPD treatment has improved the quality of my life greatly, i breath much better and feel comfortable doing so! thank you.
Well written. I truly treasure this kind of information. This could save a lots of lives. Symptoms should not be ignore, early detection can prevent COPD. Smoking is the number cause of COPD, why many cannot quit?
I had been hospitalized for 3 years in a row all in the same month march, for shortness of breath. They thought it was asthma. The last time which was this year, they hospitalized me for a week. Which they ran lots of test and determined I have COPD. The symptoms I had were shortness of breath, tired, and coughing. Oxygen doesn’t seem to help, medication wasn’t helping too (Spiriva and Advair plus nose sprays).although my doctor was wanted me to use it, to reduce symptoms and slow down progression but I could not tolerate them for long due to severe side effects. I decided to adopt a more natural approach and started on COPD Herbal formula from Green House Herbal Clinic, the COPD natural formula immensely helped my condition, i had a total recovery from COPD with this natural herbal formula treatment. Green House Herbal Clinic official web site ww w. greenhouseherbalclinic. com. I feel alive again! The coughing, tiredness, shortness of breath and other symptoms has subsided. I am very pleased with this treatment. sometimes i totally forget i ever had COPD,Don’t give up hope, My family are amazed at the change and rapid recovery from COPD. Needless to mention I haven’t smoked since the procedure and I enjoy walking the dog for my daily exercise
I grew up with asthma; I suffered sinus and respiratory infections my entire life. I started smoking at 16. When I was in my early 40s, my asthma was becoming increasingly worse. I was diagnosed with COPD at age 47. I am now 55. I quit smoking four years ago. The disease does not improve. My good days were far,i was scared that i wont survive it but i was so lucky to receive a herbal products from my step father who bought it while coming from South Africa for Rugby league,this herbal remedies saved me from this disease,at first it helps fight the symptoms of diseases and i was seeing good outcome,i had to use it for 13 weeks just as they Dr was prescribed and i was totally cure of asthma and COPD, (Totalcureherbalfoundation gmailcom) do not hesitate to purchase from them they deliver across worldwide to
Ukraine & Russia Federation
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Thank you Novak, i also used the formula from rich herbs foundation, i breath much better
Eleven months ago I was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). I have had asthma all my life. I have just been to the doctors and seen a senior nurse who has told me I no longer have this lung conditions because Total Cure Herbal Foundation has given me a good health while using their prescription. My breathing is totally great and I don’t feel I need the COPD inhaler anymore,i actually found the herbal foundation on guessbook i managed to give a try on the their herbs which totally save me from this chronic disease..Id like for you to give a try also by contacting them on
Totalcureherbalfoundation gmailcom
For the past few years I have had difficulty working out in yard and carried a lawn chair with me. Then a couple of months ago it got harder and harder to breathe. After many tests it was a CT scan that showed COPD, emphysema and scarring in my lungs. I quit smoking 12 years and 6 months ago. But they told me the damage has been done. I got to the point I couldn’t catch my breath and was coughing so hard I thought the top of my head would blow off. The day after I had the scan I was on oxygen the next night and am on it 24/7. I can take it off to shower and take a few minutes break now and then. Even though I was tethered to the machine or tank I carry when I’m out, I am very thankful for total cure herbal foundation who I we bought the COPD Emphysema from, the COPD herbal treatment cured me totally and reversed all symptoms, our family DR provided us their website where to order the herbal products from because the COPD Herbal formula is 100% Natural organic herbs and MCC approved that was why we had to trusted and give a try on it,I have an understanding family and even though it is entirely my fault they want me to live as long as I can. Visit their website and order or chat with the online Doctors
Good luck to each and every one of that’s trying this herbal formula.
I have Mar-fans Syndrome which can cause early emphysema. I quit smoking 30 yrs ago but the damage was already done. I feel I definitely get treated differently because of the diagnosis of COPD, and have to fight to stay above the depression I feel because I know I helped short-end my life. I was living with a puffer every so often and then had heart surgery and became much worse as far as breathing goes. When I found out about herbal supplements then I found out many testimony about herbal health remedies foundation. after so many question about their herbs and how I will apply daly and after some weeks later I started see some improvement, you can contact there email address: or contact there Website: I really thank you guys how your herbs has really help me.
I had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) for 7 years. My first symptoms were dry cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath. My first chest x-ray only showed bronchitis. Finally I went to a pulmonologist and was diagnosed with COPD,i never thought i could get rid of this lung disease not until I found their supplement are 100% guaranteed.
my doctor has given me Seebri Breezhaler, it’s an inhalation powder 44 micrograms. I take it once a day in the morning. It never helped my breathing condition positively. Presently I am taking SUPREME HERBAL FOUNDATION COPD HERBAL FORMULA TREATMENT ( ). I take it twice daily morning and evening. It’s a great help to breathing, it’s a powerful herbal formula, 10 out of 10 from me!
A very good friend of mine has been diagnosed with als, 7 months ago started with muscle weakness, stiffness and slurred speech and she used to help people with holistic methods (including me) i am proud to say my friend is now als free, and her life has been restored to normal. So in case you are out there suffering from als disease and other diseases or virus. If you are looking for alternative treatment i want to tell you to quickly contact doctor Donald medical herbal center for als total cure.. healthcaremedicalcenter15 atgmail dot com
After years of smoking I was diagnosed of Bronchitis at 46 and COPD at 51. I had severe shortness of breath, especially after energetic activities. I was on albuteral inhaler and host of medications, nothing really helped. Few years ago, I began to do a lot of research and came across HERBAL HEALTHPOINT (w w w. herbalhealthpoint. c o m) and their COPD HERBAL TREATMENT. After seeing positive reviews I quickly started on the treatment, i experienced significant reduction/decline in major symptoms, including the shortness of breath. Its been over 2 years since treatment, i live symptom free
I was diagnosed of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in 2017 at the age of 63. I had been a heavy smoker, my symptoms started out with dry cough and shortness of breath, i ended up in the hospital, on a ventilator. I should have known it was coming, but like most smokers, thought it would never happen to me. My COPD got significantly worse and unbearable because of my difficulty catching breath. Last year, i started on a natural COPD Herbal therapy from Akanni Herbal Clinic, i read a lot of positive reviews from patients who used the treatment and i immediately started on it. I had great relief with this herbal treatment. I breath very much better now, no case of shortness of breath or chest tightness since treatment. Visit NewLife Herbal Clinic website www. akanniherbalcentre .com. This COPD treatment is a miracle!!
I have been diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and my doctor has given me Seebri Breezhaler, it’s an inhalation powder 44 micrograms. I take it once a day in the morning. It never helped my breathing condition positively. Presently I am taking AKANNI HERBAL CENTRE COPD HERBAL FORMULA TREATMENT (www. akanniherbalcentre .com. I take it twice daily morning and evening. It’s a great help to breathing, it’s a powerful herbal formula, 10 out of 10 from me
Am so happy to share my testimony, I am Linda Chuenkamon, I’m from Germany, Berlin. i suffer from COPD Disease for many year, thank to Herbal Health remedies Foundation for their marvellous work in my life, I was diagnosed of COPD since 2018 and I was taking my medications but it wasn’t helping much, so i seek out for some possible cure for COPD i saw a comment about Herbal Health remedies Foundation, how they cured COPD with their herbal medicine, I contacted Herbal Health remedies Foundation and they guided me. I asked for solutions, they started the remedy for my health, they sent me the medicine within 3 days. I took the medicine as prescribed by them and 2 weeks later i was cured from COPD. contact them via email once again thanks to Herbal Health remedies Foundation. Email : dr.anthony @ herbalhealthremediesfoundation . c o m
I was diagnosed with severe COPD and emphysema at 48. I had LVRS (lung volume reduction surgery) a year later, which I am forever grateful for it actually led me to multivitamincare .org . I have read some of their stories online before using their natural herbal formula , I had very hard time breathing then, and even more so at night, it was so bad I can’t sleep. I get up with a tight chest that feels blocked and can’t breathe well at all,I was excused from normal life responsibilities but natural herbs from multivitamincare org really helped a but sometimes I think is God prodigy that I was able to treat my Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease but multivitamin care herbal formula has a big impact on my recovery because my heart condition has been fully reversed . They do things for me, and was too happy to comply with their service. This is a equitable of a way to get of your COPD emphysema .
I would like to thank WORLD HERBS CLINIC for reversing my father’s Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). my father was deteriorating on his COPD for Eleven years before he started on WORLD HERBS CLINIC herbal medicine treatment. He was on it for just THREE months,and we never thought my father will recover so soon. Has gained three kilos and can sleep all night without experiencing shortness of breath. I’m very happy to tell the world about this great COPD herbal medicine. Please if you are a COPD patient don’t hesitate to visit (www worldherbsclinic com)
Four years ago after two weeks in the hospital I was diagnosed with late stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and sent home to on oxygen 24/7. After 8 weeks of using BESTHEALTHHERBALCENTRE COPD HERBAL REMEDY, my breathe completely came back to normal. Last week I was checked by a different pulmonologist and tested and he said I don’t have COPD.
After years of working in construction and smoking cigarettes,I was diagnosed with COPD and pulmonary fibrosis. As my illness progressed, I found myself relying on supplemental oxygen around the clock. Even getting out of bed became a challenge.
My doctors and specialists recommended a lung transplant, but after researching the pros and cons of such a drastic procedure, I decided to try something less invasive. I contacted multivitamincare .org for organic natural treatment . Following the COPD and pulmonary fibrosis herbal treatment procedure , my lung function has improved dramatically after my first four weeks of the herbal formula .My quality of life has gotten a lot better. I was amazed that I could breathe without any dead air. I no longer need oxygen and look forward to continued improvement because a specialist told me already I have a 99% chance of getting my condition totally due to the herbal treatment effectiveness . If you or someone you love has COPD, pulmonary fibrosis or another chronic lung disease, and would like to see improvements like mine they even guarantee me totally cure once the treatment is done , contact multivitamincare .org today Call (or SMS): +1 (786) 544-5148
Please don’t believe any of these adds they are all bullshit!Multivitamincare and any herbal company from Africa will rip you off!They will tell you what you want to hear to steal your money.They are all scum that prey on sick and desperate people looking for a cure which there is none. Please do not be stupid as I was and loose your money!
Hi Pauli have a close friend who has successfully use Multivitamincare org last year,you must have contacted the wrong ORG one because i noted several MultiMultivitamin website online, do your research properly okay
I came across Tree Of Life Herbal Clinic, (www. treeoflifeherbalclinic .com ) one year ago and learnt about their successful COPD herbal therapy for COPD. I immediately started on the COPD treatment; a few weeks into the treatment I began to notice a reduction in symptoms, after I completed the treatment, my symptoms were all gone including the severe shortness of breath, cough and wheezing. Its been over two years since treatment. I feel better and breathe better.
I suffered deeply with stage four sarcoidosis which progressed to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). I was hospitalized eighteen times in three years, mostly with flare ups and pneumonia. For me, the chronic widespread pain takes my breath away more than the disease itself. At times the pain is so severe I find it difficult to do anything. My life was gradually coming to an end, until I saw World Herbs Clinic on google during my research for alternative help for IPF.. I knew health is wealth thus I decided to give it a try, thank God I did. I got the Lungs disease formula four working days after placing an order. OMG I started noticing change in my breath after one month of taking the herbs formula, My IPF was completely reversed after THREE months of usage. Now i’m happy and free from this deadly disease. I recommend World Herbs Clinic for Lungs disease patients..
I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Health Home, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Health Home via their email at . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!
I got cured from Cancer through herbal treatment from Dr Imza who I met through the internet, I actually couldn’t believe it at first because it sounded impossible to me knowing how far I have gone just to get rid of it. Dr Imza send me his herbal medicine which I took as instructed and here I am living a happy life once again, a big thanks to Dr Imza , I am sure there are many herbal doctors out there but Dr Imza did it for me, contact him or WhatsApp +27789060744. He is capable of curing HIV/AIDS, HERPES,
HPV, HSV1&2, CANCER of all kinds, DIABETES and so many other infections.
There is no cure for ALS, but there are treatments available. Managing ALS usually involves treating the symptoms and providing supportive care to improve quality of life and prolong survival and that is why dr noble ALS herbal formula is the only treatment you can trust . the herbal formula works like magic it helps slow down progression and gradually stop symptoms of ALS/MND . This is no joke my mother is a living witness of the great power of dr noble ALS herbal formula after being diagnosed early this year and all hope was lost but dr noble herbs gave us hope again and today my mother is recovery so greatly every day . thank you for your great and effective herbs add doctor noble on WhatsApp + (23490).59610643 .
Kim Cherry, diagnosed 2011. Kim was diagnosed with the bulbar form of ALS and was given one year to live. His symptoms progressed quickly. Soon he was having difficulty breathing, swallowing and even walking short distances. With the help of several holistic medical practitioners and his wife Kay’s research he has been able to reverse most of his symptoms using diet, herbs, supplements and oxygen therapies including direct IV ozone, which he feels has made the most difference. Kim is playing golf again. He is now 69 and these herbs clinic( help him recovered fully.
I have recently been told I have COPD/emphysema due to smoking. A few years back my general physician said there was something showing on my lungs. Thanks To DR ZIZA his Emphysema/COPD herbal supplement is nothing less than a miracle, I am fully back on my feet again and strong!.
GOOD NEWS IS HERE ON HOW I GET MY HEPATITIS B REVERSED AND FREE AGAIN, I’m very happy to be free today from hepatitis B, After using the HERBAL FORMULA I purchased from ww w. lifepointhealthclinic. c om . me and my family will be going on vacation next month. It also gives me so much happiness right now. I recommend the webpage to anyone who wants to be free from hepatitis B at: { ww w. lifepointhealthclinic. c om }
When I discovered I was diagnosed with HEPATITIS B, Few years ago. Last year I learnt about hepatitis B natural treatment from LifePoint Health Clinic at ww w. lifepointhealthclinic. c om , I immediately started on the HP-B Formula treatment. I had improved with the HP-B Formula protocol, my swelling and reddening subsided, Now I feel well and good again, the HP-B Formula protocol from LifePoint Health Clinic totally reversed my hepatitis B condition, Feelfree to visit their Web page at: ww w. lifepointhealthclinic. c om for more information.
I was diagnosed with COPD stage 2, six years ago now. I moved to Spain 2 years ago in the hope my health would improve. I am now 66. I also had a triple heart bypass 10 years ago, which doesn’t help! I often get headaches and migraines and can’t walk upstairs without getting out of breath. I was told by Mayo Clinic there was nothing left to do to improve my health. Miraculously i found Multivitamin herbal cure on YouTube .When I contacted this herbal foundation through their email I wasn’t certain the herbal treatment will get rid of COPD disease not until I complete the treatment as instructed. I will be resuming my business next month because this herbal cure seriously reverse my lung condition which we never expected ,im referring this to anybody at there suffering from this condition and they have assurance about this treatments their website : www multivitamincare .org
I was 25yrs old when i started suffering from bronchitis only 2 years ago each winter. I had been a smoker from 17years at about 25 per day. This year I had a major respiratory attack at the beginning of suffering a 3 month bout of Chronic Bronchitis and spent 6 days in hospital. I was diagnosed with COPD and was shocked. Luckily I had stopped smoking a week before ending up in hospital, only because I couldn’t smoke (it hurt too much and made it even harder to breathe), as proscribed drugs from my doctor no longer have positive effects on my condition. something great happened along the line a friend recommended me to a herbal website that changed my health for good I got a herbal substance from dr OGBEKHILU after using the remedy accordingly my C O P D was completely reversed
It has now been 3 months since I had a cigarette and I never want one again and I am currently living a healthy live
According to his website he also cures
Contact info are
I also used the copd herbal formula from dr Festus clinic for stage 3 treatment recommended by a colleague, i breathe much better now, no more copd
drfestusfastherbalcure@ gmail. com
I saw the fear in my husband and children’s eyes when I told them about my condition then they start to find solution on their own to help my condition.I am an 59 now who was diagnose COPD emphysema which I know was from my years of smoking. I started smoking in school when smoking was socially acceptable. I remember when smoking was permitted in hospitals. It was not known then how dangerous cigarettes were for us, and it seemed everybody smoked but i was able to get rid of my Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) condition through the help of www. multivitamincare .org my husband bought, total cure herbal foundation has the right herbal formula to help you get rid and repair any lung conditions and cure you totally with their natural organic herbs. I wish anybody who starts smoking at a young age would realize what will eventually happen to their bodies if they continue that vile habit throughout their life.
I’m 61 years old and female. I was diagnosed a couple of months ago with COPD and I was beyond scared! My lung function test indicated 49% capacity. After having had the flu a year ago, the shortness of breath, coughing, and chest pains continued even after being treated with antibiotics. I’ve been smoking two packs a day for 36 years. Being born without a sternum caused my ribs to be curled just one inch away from my spine, resulting in underdeveloped lungs. At age 34 I had surgery and it was fixed. Unfortunately, my smoking just caused more damage to my already underdeveloped lungs. The problem was having is that I enjoy smoking and don’t want to give up! Have tried twice before and nearly went crazy and don’t want to go through that again. I saw the fear in my family’s eyes when I told them about my condition then they start to find solutions on their own to help my condition. It was not known then how dangerous cigarettes were for us, and it seemed everybody smoked but I was able to get rid of my COPD lung condition through the help of MULTIVITAMIN HERBAL CURE my husband bought, has the right herbal formula to help you get rid and repair any lung conditions and cure you totally with their natural organic herbs. I wish anybody who starts smoking at a young age would realize what will eventually happen to their bodies if they continue that vile habit throughout their life.
Dr ZACK BALO has solution for your illness, I was cured from my COPD disease that i suffered for over 7 years, It was always difficult to breathe, I used the doctor treatment but it was just helping controlling it, I was fed up of talking drugs for all those years so i decided to find a permanent solution for it, After searching for more than 3 days i finally go into a reviews of a site talking about how Dr ZACK BALO has helped people a lot through COPD. I wrote to his email wiseindividualspell @ gmail. com and i got quick response immediately from Dr ZACK BALO on how to go ahead with getting his Herbal medicine, Dr ZACK BALO prepared my COPD medicine and i got it delivered to me through DHL within 5 days, Today i am totally cured from COPD after drinking Dr ZACK BALO herbal medicine for 2 weeks only. You can call/text him via +13202476495
Must read
Hello viewers Check out, Dr George, who saved my mother’s life from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with his Herbs medicine called MALVA-H. You can know more or contact him on dr . georgetom @ gmail .com for similar illness. share this information to your friends and loved ones and save people from big pharma companies because you can find this anywhere.
I had COPD for 6 years. My first symptoms were dry cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath. My first chest x-ray only showed bronchitis. Finally I went to a pulmonologist and was diagnosed with COPD.i have used all the medication yet they don’t work, last year December I was told by a formal emphysema patient to use Home of remedy herbal treatment which I really did, i was surprise the herbal products effectively get rid of my COPD totally. When you get where you cannot breathe it may be too late. Good luck to each and every one that will be trying their herbal treatment their website is www. homeofremedyherbalcure. com or email: homeofremedyherbalcure @ gmail. com
It unbelieve that I’m still alive. I have smoked millions of cigarette, well I think about half a million in 45 years. I stopped some 9 years ago. So I have severe COPD, and a lung function of about 15%. I’ve done pulmonary rehabilitation three times in the last 6 years and currently go to an exercise class every week. I need to take lots of different types of drugs, and carry a portable oxygen cylinder around with me so I don’t get too out of breath. I began healing herbs from World Rehabilitate Clinic Herbs specializes in internal and pulmonary herbal medicine and in three months I was completely cured, visit ( worldrehabilitateclinic. com ).
¿Está buscando una solución a su problema matrimonial o de pareja? Si su respuesta es “SÍ”, no dude en enviar un mensaje de texto. Solución marital. El doctor me ayudó a recuperar a mi ex amante. Los hechizos del doctor son auténticos. Mi esposo me dejó durante 8 meses y estaba devastada y no podía encontrar ninguna salida Tráelo de vuelta. En algún momento estuve deprimido, hasta que encontré comentarios mientras navegaba por Internet donde la gente testificaba sobre cómo el Dr. Robbinson los ayudó a resolver problemas similares a los que estoy enfrentando en mi matrimonio. Lo contacté y nunca dudó en ayudarme a mí también, hoy estoy en paz con mi esposo nuevamente y mi felicidad está restaurada.
Texto/llamada: + 1 2 2 6 7 7 0 5 7 9 5
Correo electrónico: Drrobbinssonspiritualhome( at) gmail com
I was diagnosed with COPD in Dec 2012. I was on levalbuterol to ease the situation as i constantly go out of breath when talking or when walking, I was advised for Lung Volume reduction surgery (LVRS) because both upper lobes of the lungs were affected. I was making preparation for this surgery when a friend of mine told me about a traditional herbal doctor called doctor Chyou from Multivitamin care who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kinds of diseases including COPD disease, when i contacted Multivitamin their email and bought the herbal medicine I received the herbal medicine through courier service in 7 working days after received this herbal medicine i used it as prescribed and was totally cured of COPD within 4 weeks to 15 weeks of usage, they are able to cure any kinds of disease such as COPD, ALS, etc. Please do not think twice to try their formula because surprise me after many years of assuming there is no cure . Contact them and they will give you all the instructions to follow www multivitamincare org this is the last medicine you will ever use concerning COPD lung disease.
Jane Roberto
I’m living proof that you can live comfortably with COPD. I have emphysema, but emphysema doesn’t have me. After years of living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with a bronchodilator medication approach, I didn’t have much improvement till I started using World Rehabilitate Clinic Herbs Formula which has made a tremendous difference With a period of 2 months. They specialize in internal and pulmonary medicine, all my symptoms have declined completely, I feel normal again, but I have a few weeks left completing the treatment. I can now go about my daily activities. It’s also crucial to learn as much as you can about your diagnosis. Seek options visit ( worldrehabilitateclinic. com).
I bought the herbal cure from and after 6 weeks waiting for my bottles to get here to me in New York, I was scammed out of almost $5000.00 for documents and inspections of customs that never happened and still don’t have my delivery because I refused to pay for a phytosanitary inspection that never happens for import, only export and it and the document came from China, supposedly, if the bottles came from there at all since they’re registered in Virginia. They use a shipping company that doesn’t exist, safe express alliance, which I’m told has an address in China but their emails are answered from Cape Town, South Africa. Their products might cure people but they’re a total scam now that they’re dealing with the shipping company who handles the fake customs invoices and email correspondence. I’ve got complaints with every federal agency I could find including my congressman and the fbi. Please don’t buy anything from these scammers!
Hello everyone , my name is Roy Da Camara. Am happy to share mother testimony. My mother of 71 years old was diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in 2020. After trying all possible options with her doctor, in November, 2021 she started on COPD/Emphysema Herbal formula from Home of remedy. I recommend her because I am a social media person. That is where I find them. You can Contact them on homeofremedyherbalcure @ gmail .com or make more research on their website on: Share with friends!!
ALS Formula treatment from Tree of Life Health clinic. It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit w w w. healthcareherbalcentre .com I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others. ]
From ‘Molemen Herbs’ herbal health point; my mother has finished the first month of the holistic ALS/MND treatment by ‘Molemen Herbs’. At the beginning of the treatment, she felt heat, principally in the night. She has stretched her legs since she had inflexibility in the knees. She has felt energy and has walked approximately 10-12 meters of distance. She has improved her way of swallowing and the sensation of a bitter mouth has disappeared. I didn’t expect such rapid recovery with the ALS formula! thanks” I doubted at first if there was ever going to be a cure for this condition with the help of natural medicine, but in the end, the result proved me wrong. I recommend y’all to try it out, a friend`s dad I told about ‘Molemen Herbs’ is healing greatly just within 2 weeks of starting their natural treatment. You can reach them on Facebook/YouTube. You can also contact email: at {drmolemenspiritualtemple@ gmail. com}.
My wife has been suffering from Parkinson’s disease (PD) for the last five years and she had constant pain, especially her limb. Then the inability to swallow without getting choked, soft speech and muscle rigidity. Thank God she has finally recovered after seven weeks of taking Herbal medication, I feel so happy and excited to see my wife recover from PD very fast. She can talk very well and walk freely now. Here is an herbal center that helped my wife recover if you need their help whatsapp Dr Noble via plus2348129950262 email peterwiseherbalcenter at gmail. com
I was diagnosed with severe COPD and emphysema at 48. I had LVRS (lung volume reduction surgery) a year later, which I am forever grateful for it actually led me to www madibaherbalcenter . com . I have read some of their stories online before using their natural herbal formula , I had very hard time breathing then, and even more so at night, it was so bad I can’t sleep. I get up with a tight chest that feels blocked and can’t breathe well at all,I was excused from normal life responsibilities but natural herbs from madibaherbalcenter . com really helped but sometimes I think is God prodigy that I was able to treat my Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease but madibaherbalcenter . com herbal formula has a big impact on my recovery because my lung condition has been fully reversed. They do things for me, and was too happy to comply with their service. This is an equitable way to get off your COPD emphysema.
I was extremely short of breath and constantly tired due to my Emphysema, I was introduced to Natural Herbs Center and their COPD Ayurveda Protocol. I started on the COPD Treatment last year, my symptoms gradually diminished including my shortness of breath, wheezing and fatigue. Reach them at natural herbs centre. com. I know I’ll get negative comments but I’m sharing this perhaps someone is also looking at genuine alternative treatment. I can vouch for this Ayurvedic treatments but you still need to decide what works best for you. Sending prayers
I was heartbroken when diagnosed with herpes and HPV, but now I’m 100% cured after using natural herbs from Dr onokun and i got 100% cured. You can contact him through the info below.
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